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The Learning Journey

We view our students, staff and parents as partners in education, working together to create the environment, culture, attitude and opportunities that allow each and every student to grow and flourish.

Our contemporary learning model recognises that our world is changing rapidly and prioritises educating our students for success in a future that may be vastly different from the present.

All teaching and learning staff at Faith are trained in contemporary learning methods and ensure creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving are woven into every subject, activity and lesson.

We understand that student wellbeing and academic achievement go hand-in-hand, so our educational approach incorporates the latest educational research to help support and encourage our students to achieve to their potential.

Our teaching and learning philosophy centres around the individual development of students to become self-regulated and reflective learners through:

  • Student engagement
  • Empowerment through strong positive relationships and wellbeing
  • Opportunities for student choice, student agency and ownership of learning
  • Integration and utilisation of new technologies
  • Celebration of achievement
  • Inclusion of global perspectives
  • Application of knowledge and skills in real-world contexts
The Learning Journey

One exciting facet of our contemporary learning journey is the shift away from year levels and towards educational phases.

Phase learning provides students with more flexibility, agency and choice in their learning, which boosts engagement in their schooling journey.

There are three educational phases at Faith Lutheran College:

Phase Coach

All students in the College participate in small group mentoring sessions with key teachers called Phase Coaches. These sessions focus on helping students develop positive academic habits and routines, their personal wellbeing, social-emotional learning, and support for student subject selection and pathway mapping.

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