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NewsBites - Term 1, Week 2, 2024


As we pause to reflect on the vibrant start of our academic journey this year, I am overwhelmed with a profound sense of pride and gratitude. The resilience and spirit our College community has shown in these first two weeks are nothing short of inspiring. 

I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to each of you for your patience and understanding following the unexpected closure last Tuesday due to local flooding. Your swift cooperation and support underscore the strength of our collective bond, proving that together, we can overcome any challenge that comes our way.

It fills me with immense joy to share that this year, we've welcomed an unprecedented number of students to Faith, setting a new record for our College's enrolment. This milestone is even more special as it coincides with our 25th anniversary in 2024. Rest assured, we have a series of celebrations planned to commemorate this significant milestone, and I eagerly look forward to sharing more details with you.

Our community's growth is a testament to our shared commitment to the vision that guides us: "Awakening potential and empowering learners for purposeful lives through Christ." This year, we've introduced innovative Exploration Phase subjects, designed by our dedicated teachers to provide our students with meaningful, real-world learning experiences. These subjects are crafted to seamlessly align with our vision, preparing our students for purposeful lives beyond the confines of traditional learning environments.

I cannot stress enough the importance of regular attendance in fostering academic success. Regular attendance is foundational, and I urge our families to support us in minimising absences. An attendance rate of 80% translates to two weeks of missed learning opportunities each term. To address this, our Heads of Wellbeing will closely monitor student absences and may reach out to discuss strategies to ensure a minimum of 90% attendance. Your support in these efforts is crucial and greatly appreciated.

We are immensely proud of our 2023 Year 12 cohort's outstanding academic achievements. We look forward to celebrating their success at our rescheduled Opening Service on Monday, 12 February.

As we move forward into this academic year, I invite you to join hands with us in building upon our past achievements and striving to make 2024 our most successful year yet. Together, we will continue to awaken potential and empower learners for purposeful lives through Christ.

Doug Braiden 
College Principal 


What an eventful first two weeks of term it has been. From sharing many important events together to navigating the challenges of this past week with the heavy rainfall and flooding throughout the region, each of these events has underscored how important community is here at Faith. They highlight the significance of our school and families of the College working in partnership for the best outcomes for our young people.

On behalf of the College, thank you to all the people who, this past week, offered both their understanding as well as assistance to those in need throughout the community. I also appreciate those who offered their prayers. I pray that for the remainder of the school term, we can focus on more positive experiences, including continuing to strengthen the partnership we are blessed to share between students, staff and families.

I feel confident that this will take place at many upcoming events over the next few weeks, including next week’s Exploration Phase Information Evening (Monday 5 February), an upcoming round of GBC Sport, as well as the rescheduled Opening Service, which will take place on Monday 12 February. Further information about each of these events has already been or will soon be communicated to all students and families.

On a separate and final note, families are advised that students on Wednesday in Week 3 will complete their selections for Wednesday Projects. This will include all students learning about the projects available to them, followed by students nominating their preferences. Parents/carers are encouraged to speak with their child about the project they hope to complete and what they aim to achieve in Wednesday Projects this semester.

I pray that all students and families have a blessed term ahead. I look forward to seeing many students and families over the next few weeks at one or more College events.

Yours in Christ,

Tyson Kenny 
Deputy Principal 


Important Guidelines for School Pick-Up

Parents and carers are reminded that there is to be no pick-up of students in the Bus Ring Road at the Sports Centre.

Please ensure you use the bitumen car park area at the Sports Centre for pick-up if you are not using the Stop Drop/Pick-up and Go area. 

It’s important to be mindful of the following guidelines for pick-up in the afternoons:

  • No pick-up from western side dirt carpark.
  • No vehicles to pass the Sports Hall in afternoon due to buses blocking road and students entering these buses at home time. You will be made to turn around!
  • If wanting to drive to Uniform Shop after pick-up, you will have to wait until 3.05pm or until buses have left school grounds.

The dirt road following on from Stop Drop/Pick-up and Go area is only to be used for events or camps parking. At all other times, this grass area is strictly for staff parking only.

When dropping off and picking up for events and camps, parents are to follow the signs and directions to the parking areas behind Info Hub and C Block.

When leaving, follow the dirt road back to Stop Drop/ Pick-up and Go area, giving way to incoming traffic.

When safe, turn left and follow to exit point of Stop Drop/ Pick-up and Go area or follow the direction of traffic controllers (staff members in fluoro vest) directing traffic.

Patience and following directions are the key to helping keep our community safe.

We thank you for your cooperation to ensure we have a safe and efficient traffic system for our College.

Enrol Now for 2025

Faith has experienced an extremely high level of interest for Year 7 enrolments for 2025 and beyond.

If you have a current Year 6 student and are planning to enrol them at Faith for 2025, we strongly recommend that you submit an application form as soon as possible, if you have not already done so.

Similarly, if you have a current Year 5 student destined for Year 7 in 2026, it would be a good idea to submit your application for them before Open Day on Saturday 16 March to get their name on the list. We anticipate an influx of applications for this cohort after that event.

To discuss enrolling a future student at Faith, please contact our Enrolments Coordinator Natalie Heaslip by emailing

If you would like to submit an application, please use the following link:

Clubs and Activities

In Week 3, Faith is launching our new Clubs and Activities program. Clubs and activities play a vital role in fostering positive relationships, student engagement and a sense of identity within our community. These student-driven initiatives allow individuals to explore interests outside of the classroom and become part of smaller, close-knit communities during break times.

Click on the button below to check out the schedule for all the clubs and activities on offer from fitness to theatre sports to book club to stitch craft!


As we embark on a new year, we are delighted to share with you the positive start that we have had in Foundation Phase. Both our staff and students have settled in well, with positive relationships developing between teachers and their classes.

On the first day of school, some of our Year 12 leaders introduced themselves and assisted the Year 7 students in familiarising themselves with their new locks and lockers. This collaborative effort not only ensured a smooth transition for our newest students, but also fostered a sense of unity within our College community. The Year 8 students also enjoyed meeting their new teachers and learning spaces for the year.

The Information Evenings that took place on Monday saw a tremendous turnout from our parent community. We appreciate the active participation and engagement during these sessions. The exchange of valuable information between parents, caregivers, teachers and the Phase Leaders is crucial for the holistic development of our students. We look forward to continued collaboration throughout the year to enhance the educational journey of our students.

This week, our Year 7 students are experiencing the joys of camp. With carefully planned and supervised activities, students are provided with an opportunity to bond with their peers and teachers, and foster personal growth and resilience. We are thrilled to witness the joy and enthusiasm on their faces as they navigate through various challenges and adventures.

As we progress through the term, we remain committed to providing a nurturing and enriching environment for our students. We appreciate the continued support from parents and carers in ensuring that Foundation Phase remains a place where academic excellence, personal growth and community spirit thrive.

Eunize Mallari
Head of Learning - Foundation Phase


It's been a joy to see our Exploration Phase students back ready for another year of fun and adventure. Our first-years have thrown themselves into their new classes, sometimes even sharing them with our seasoned second-year crew. It's been heartwarming to witness them dive out of their comfort zones, mastering new skills and forging fresh friendships.

This week, our extended Exploration Coach session explored the crucial topic of help-seeking. Students maturely discussed various scenarios, identifying who they could turn to and when seeking help was most beneficial. Their insights and willingness to engage in these open conversations were truly impressive.

To wrap up the session, we threw down the Lost Teddy Bear Challenge! Students crafted adorable pipe cleaner teddies, then embarked on a mission to reunite them with their rightful owners (and find their own!). This playful exercise encouraged them to step outside their comfort zones, ask for help and connect with other Phase members.

This Friday, we are holding our Celebrating Success Pizza Party – a chance to share successes and build on the positive energy that's been buzzing through the Phase. We're so proud to see our Exploration Phase students thriving, and we can't wait to keep you in the loop on their journey of learning, growth and community building.

Also, just a reminder about the Exploration Phase Information Night taking place this Monday 5 February starting at 6pm in the Information Hub. Hope to see you all there. 

Sam Loxley
Head of Wellbeing - Exploration Phase



Welcoming Back to the Graduate Phase for an Exciting Year Ahead!

Dear Graduate Phase students and families,

Welcome back to an exciting new school year at Faith Lutheran College - Plainland! We hope you had a restful break and are ready for the adventures and challenges that the Graduate Phase holds for you.

To kick off the year, we recently had a highly successful swimming carnival, bringing together students for a day of fun, camaraderie and friendly competition. It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm and sportsmanship displayed by our Graduate students. Congratulations to all participants!

For our graduating year students, we're thrilled to announce that the Senior Shirts and Jerseys have been distributed based on your orders. Wear them with pride as symbols of your journey and achievements at Faith Lutheran College.

As you settle into the academic routine, you should have received your assessment calendars. These calendars are invaluable tools to help you stay organised and manage your study time effectively. Please ensure to mark the important dates on your calendar to stay ahead and make the most of your learning experience.

We are excited to share the success of our recent Information Evening, where we covered essential learning and wellbeing information. For families who were unable to attend, worry not, this information was sent out to ensure that everyone is well-informed and prepared for the academic year.

On a different note, the recent heavy rainfall has created some unique circumstances. Your safety is our top priority, and we want to reassure everyone that measures are in place to address any potential challenges caused by the weather. If the rain has affected you in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to assist you in any way we can, ensuring that you have the support needed to thrive academically and personally.

As we embark on this academic year together, let's make it a year of growth, learning, and memorable experiences. Feel free to connect with us if you have any questions or concerns. Wishing each of you a fantastic year ahead!

Warm regards,

Kevin Abraham
Head of Learning - Graduate Phase