NewsBites - Term 1, Week 8, 2024

Dear Faith community,
It’s an exciting week at Faith Lutheran College with our annual Open Day taking place this Saturday 16 March from 9am to 1pm.
There has been an extraordinary level of interest in our Open Day with more than 700 guests registered to attend. This response is testament to the strength of Faith’s reputation in the community.
Thank you to all the staff and students who have been involved in the preparations for Open Day, as well as everyone who is helping out on the day. We have been inundated by students volunteering to help, demonstrating a strong sense of pride in the College.
We anticipate that our Year 7 cohort for 2025 will be finalised in the coming months – if you or someone you know has a child entering Year 7 next year and have not yet submitted an application for next year, now is the time to do so.
Similarly, if you have a family member joining us in 2026, please submit an enrolment application as soon as possible by clicking here.
In other news, we are heading into an important assessment period at the College. Our Years 7 and 9 students will be sitting NAPLAN and our Years 11 and 12 students will have an exam block. Assessment is an important part of the academic journey, so I encourage our students to give it your best effort, but always remember that your value goes beyond any single assessment. Our dedicated staff members are here to support you along the way.
As the end of term draws near, let's rally together and finish strong, embracing every opportunity to learn and grow before the well-deserved break.
Yours in Christ,
Doug Braiden
College Principal

Its hard to believe the end of Term 1 is rapidly approaching. Like many of you, I find myself wondering where the time has gone and wishing it would slow down a bit. As we approach the end of Term 1 and the start of Term 2, it is also that time of year when we transition from warm weather to colder days. As the weather cools down, it is essential that your child is equipped with the appropriate winter uniform. We currently have specials on some winter stock so please consider whether your child needs any winter uniform items soon.
We are delighted to see the growing number of parents and students utilising My School Connect to pre-order from our tuckshop. For those that haven’t yet embraced this convenient tool, I encourage you to explore its benefits and start utilising it for your tuckshop orders.
For families using the College bus service, please make sure to engage with our Roll Call system. Roll Call provides real-time visibility of students travelling on our buses and allows you to advise our drivers of your child’s absence or to change the bus stop or bus up to 10 days in advance. If you need access or assistance, please contact Jacki in the Business Office.
Additionally, if your child’s bus requirements will change for Term 2, please submit your requests to the College by the end of this term.
Thank you for your continued support and consideration. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Jenny Doyle
Business Manager

Applications are now open for students currently in Years 6, 9 and 10 to apply for a Scholarship in 2025. This year, scholarships will be offered in two categories:
- Academic Excellence
- General Excellence
Applications will close on Thursday 28 March. For further details and to submit an application, please click the below button.
Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing

Shave for a Cure
This year we have eight students, one staff member and Friday, our College therapy dog, taking part in Worlds’ Greatest Shave on Wednesday 27 March.
You can donate or check out how the team is going with fundraising by using the button below.
Queensland Youth Week Activities

Queensland Youth Week celebrates and recognises the talents, achievements, and contributions of young people to their community, our state, and the world around them. This year, Youth Week runs from Sunday 7April to Saturday 13 April.
To celebrate Youth Week 2024 in the Lockyer Valley, Council’s Engagement team have organised the following free events for the community:
- Movie Night at Gatton Shire Hall – Monday 8 April from 6pm to 8.30pm
- Youth Expo at Ferrari Park, Laidley – Wednesday10 April from 10am to 2pm
- Skateboarding Jam Session at Gatton Skate Park – Friday 12 April from 12pm to 2pm
For further details of these events, as well as other events happening in the region, visit Youth Week - April 2024 - Lockyer Valley Regional Council.

Foundation Phase Philosophy: Shaping Year 7 and 8 Learning
As educators, we are entrusted with the sacred duty of nurturing your child’s potential and guiding them towards a purposeful life. At Faith Lutheran College, our Foundation Phase Philosophy serves as the cornerstone of this journey, shaping the educational landscape for students in Years 7 and 8. We're excited to share with you a glimpse into our Foundation Phase Philosophy to help you gain valuable insights into the ethos that underpins students’ learning experiences.
Our College vision encapsulates our commitment to awaken potential and empower learners for purposeful lives through Christ. We envision a vibrant and authentic educational experience that equips students with the skills and mindset to shape their world boldly and confidently.
In Years 7 and 8, our vision is clear: to provide the foundational skills for learners to confidently explore who they are and what they love by meeting them where they are at.
Central to our approach is a focus on the foundational skills of literacy and numeracy. We recognise these as pillars for effective learning and engagement. This is supported by dedicated teaching teams within Year 7 and Year 8, mirroring the close partnerships that can exist between primary school teachers and families, while drawing on the specialised expertise of secondary staff.
Beyond academics, we emphasise the 21st Century skills of critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, social skills and ICT competencies. These skills are the building blocks for students to become innovators, entrepreneurs, lifelong learners and responsible global citizens. We empower students to reflect on and manage their learning processes, fostering skills for effective planning, monitoring and evaluation. This cultivates a sense of ownership and agency in their educational journey.
Through Project-Based Learning (PBL), students apply knowledge in real-world contexts, fostering collaboration and problem-solving skills. This approach bridges the gap between theory and practice, preparing students for life beyond the classroom. PBL is used to facilitate multi-disciplinary learning in Years 7 and 8 curriculum areas as well as for Wednesday projects, which allow for sustained enquiry of an authentic problem within and beyond our school community.
Our commitment to innovative learning is supported by open, collaborative teaching spaces in the Foundation Phase precinct, with flexible furniture and purposeful utilisation of indoor and outdoor learning spaces.
In essence, our Foundation Phase Philosophy guides the path for our students' educational journey. As we navigate the complexities of education, we remain committed to providing the foundational skills for learners to confidently explore who they are and what they love by meeting them where they are at.
Andrea Blakely
Head of Wellbeing - Foundation Phase

Getting Set for Open Day
The College is buzzing with all things Open Day at the moment. I would like to take the time to acknowledge all the students and their supportive parents who are volunteering their time to help showcase the College this Saturday. We have been overwhelmed with the number of students who are prepared to give up their Saturday, and their contribution is critical. The voice of the student is powerful at these events, they live and breathe the life we create here at Faith and provide a testimony that future parents listen to. So, thank you all.
Smooth start to NAPLAN
NAPLAN started this week, and we could not be prouder of the way the students approached the event. We know that it is something we must do but the manner in which the students conducted themselves in the first days of the test was exemplary. Last NAPLAN, Year 9!
Exploration Phase Assessment Calendar
In the next week we will be sending out the Assessment Calendar for Term 2. We will be trialling an alternate layout and are keen to hear your feedback. The current document can be cumbersome and difficult to navigate so we have adjusted the document into a more streamlined, and easier to filter format. The latest version should make it easier to print out and put it on the fridge, or to transfer to a calendar. Organisational skills are a key focus for Exploration Phase and these calendars are one of the tools that students use to ensure they are up to date with assessment. The support students receive from the family reinforces those organisational skills.
House Spirit
Thanks to Mr Miegel and the House Captains for organising our House activity this week, it's always great to get outside and get our House spirit up. This week we got into an old favourite Dodgeball. Check out Banele showing how it is done at Dodgeball in the photo below.
Lou Bruce
Head of Learning - Exploration Phase

Over the past few weeks, the Graduate Phase has been buzzing with excitement, as we’ve experienced a range of memorable events and celebrated some remarkable achievements. We are excited to share some highlights.
Elevate Sessions: Elevate Education visited our students running multiple sessions. Elevate’s seminars are designed to improve study skills and achieve behavioural change amongst students, ensuring they not only understand what they need to do in their study but also use and apply the skills they learn.
Study and Life Hack Sessions: During Study sessions, students also have optional Life Hack sessions to engage with. Recently, Mr Beckett ran an optional tutorial focusing on investing. Understanding the basics of investing is a valuable life skill that can empower students to make informed financial decisions in the future. By learning about different investment options, risk management strategies and the importance of long-term financial planning, students can develop a strong foundation for building wealth and securing their financial future.
Phase Coach and Connection: Alongside our SEL program in Phase Coach where students have been engaging with positive mindset, self-talk activities and mindfulness activities, the Graduate Phase students and their respective Phase Coaches have been enjoying purposeful connection time. Coaches and students have developed a list of purposeful connection activities that build connections between students and with Phase Coaches. Similarly, our Phase has enjoyed more House competitions this year with the most recent competition being tug-o-war competition.
Legacy Fundraiser – Easter Multi-draw Raffle: A friendly reminder about our Year 12 Legacy Easter Raffle. First prize is a 10kg block of Cadbury chocolate and there are other lovely Easter hampers up for grabs. Tickets are only $3 each and can be purchased by using this link. The student who sells the most tickets will also win a 10kg Cadbury chocolate block!
Week 9 Examinations: As Week 9 approaches, we encourage the Graduate Phase to prepare for their exams to the best of their ability. Remember to prioritise your wellbeing by not overextending yourselves with work commitments. Ensure you get plenty of rest, nourishment and hydration to support your focus and energy levels. Utilise the effective study and note-making techniques you've acquired during Elevate sessions. We believe in your capabilities and wish you the best of luck in your exams!
Emma Saal and Josh Searchfield
Heads of Wellbeing - Graduate Phase