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NewsBites - Term 2, Week 7, 2024

New Building Works for Faith

Dear Parents and Guardians

We are delighted to announce that the College will soon begin works on two important new building projects at Faith Lutheran College, Plainland.

The first project is a new Student Services and Administration building that will be located on the left as you first enter the College grounds from Faith Avenue. 

The second project is an additional car park for use by staff. This new car park will be located to the west of the Sports Centre, where staff currently park on the dirt and grass. 

Parents and guardians will continue to use the existing bitumen car park at the Sports Centre for parking.

We are fortunate that the State Government has agreed to provide funding to assist with the capital works projects.

Rohrig has been appointed as the builders of the project after a thorough tender process.

Construction will begin with temporary construction fencing to be erected from week commencing Monday 3 June, with construction set to begin from Monday 10 June.


Once the construction fencing is up, there will be some changes to student access to the College from the drop off bay.

Rather than walking across the grass to enter the College on either side of the Info Hub, as they do now, students will need to follow the grass around the edge of the construction fencing to the path along the front of the existing administration building.

There is no change to afternoon bus arrangements, at this stage. 

However, as the project progresses, there may need to be temporary changes to access to the College and for the afternoon bus service. Any changes will be communicated as soon as they become known.

Once the new Student Services and Administration building has been completed, the existing administration building will be demolished and the area will be turned into open plan, green space.

It is anticipated that these construction projects will continue until Term 2, 2025 however the car park will be completed sooner. 

We thank you in advance for your patience and support of these important works that will provide excellent new facilities that will benefit our students, staff and community.

Yours in Christ,
Doug Braiden 
College Principal 


Semester 1 has been particularly busy for students in the Foundation and Exploration Phases, especially in terms of Wednesday Projects. Throughout Terms 1 and 2, students have been engaging in a process of design thinking, collaborating with other students and staff as co-learners to identify and address community issues. This approach aims to solve real-world problems through the development of key knowledge and skills, which students then apply to prototype and implement their proposed solutions.

Some of the Wednesday Projects that have taken place across Semester 1 include:

  • Facilitating reading and lunch activity programs in local primary schools
  • Helping to clean local waterways and revegetate nearby embankments
  • Learning to cook various types of foods and providing meals to benefit those in need
  • Designing and trialing solutions to reduce litter and waste here at the College
  • Raising awareness and funds for several local community groups and charities
  • Running several wellbeing initiatives aimed at promoting improved mental health and physical activity among young people
  • Undertaking a process of learning about reconciliation by planting local indigenous plants throughout the College

I encourage all families to engage with their students about what they have been undertaking in Wednesday Projects this semester. Over the next couple of weeks, students will have the opportunity to select their Wednesday Project preferences for Semester 2, which will continue to focus on deepening each student’s knowledge of and capacity to implement a process of design thinking.

Yours in Christ, 

Tyson Kenny
Deputy Principal

2024 Intergenerational Project: Buddy Search

We are looking for Senior (55+) buddies to work with our Year 7 students for our 2024 Intergenerational Project.

Our 'Creating Intergenerational Connections through Storytelling' project provides the opportunity for Year 7 students to work with buddies from older generations to learn about their life experiences, recollections and memories from years gone by.

If you or someone you know would be able to spend some time with our students once or twice per week during July and August, please let us know by completing the form below.

The feedback from the Year 7 students and their older buddies from the first two years of this project has been wonderful. 

Grandparents of students from all year levels are most welcome to participate, as are other local residents who may not have family connections at Faith.

Australian Government Mobile Service Centre

Serving Regional Australia

Visit the Mobile Service Centre to find out about Australian Government payments and services for rural families, older Australians, students, job seekers, people with disability, carers, farmers and self-employed people.

Information about Department of Veterans’ Affairs programs and support services for veterans and their families will also be available.

Staff can provide you with information and support. They can also help you create a myGov account. myGov is a simple and secure way to access government services online.

Click here for the Mobile Service Centre Factsheet.

Friday 14 June
9am to 4pm
Plainland Plaza car park, Gehrke Road, Plainland

For more information, go to

Sharks Camp July registrations are now open!  

Join us and our team of talented coaches for a four-day volleyball camp designed to cater to athletes of all skill levels. The camp includes opportunities for new players to find a love for the sport and pathways for elite development for experienced players looking to get into club and state-level teams.

The Dates:
2 July to 5 July

South Brisbane - Mansfield, 4122
Gold Coast - Southport, 4215

Age Group:
Years 4 to 12 students

9am to 4.30pm

Check out our website for more information!

Reading in Foundation Phase

In Foundation Phase, the explicit instruction of Literacy is a core priority in the curriculum, with students participating in ‘Literacy’ and ‘English’ classes. As they continue to head towards Exploration and Graduate Phases, their key learning areas will continue to have more complex literacy demands, including the reading of academic and informational texts. Effective readers of informational texts continually draw upon a complex wealth of prior knowledge about the world and language, as well as their awareness of subject specific genres and vocabulary. Therefore, teachers employ many different teaching tools to develop skills in reading, but one way we can work together in this area, is to encourage reading for enjoyment at home and at school.


Choosing the Right Book:

A couple of barriers to reading for enjoyment might include interest and challenge.

Challenge: is the language too easy, or too challenging? One easy way to find out if the book or text is the right level of challenge is to see how accurately your child can read a section. If choosing a book at home, online, or from the local library, the following tips can be employed to help them.

  • Count out 100 words in the book.
  • If your child can read these 100 words with 5-10 errors (90-95% accuracy), then this book is an ideal level of challenge.

Interest: A common concern is that the books that are ‘interesting’, are inappropriate due to complexity (challenge of language), or content (ie. books that are aimed at older secondary students might be considered too violent). Our Information Hub officer, Jenna Eyres, would be happy to advise students, but our classrooms also contain an impressive range of age-appropriate books.

MultiLit has the following recommendations:

Age Reading Fluency Recommendatiions
125-133 words per minute
Conspiracy 365 Series
Horrible Histories
Tashi Series
Once Series
Deltora Quest Series
More than 133 words per minute
His Dark Materials Series
Alex Rider Series
Percy Jackson Series
Alex Cold Series
Harry Potter Series

Popular authors also include Morris Gleitzman, Jacki French, Roald Dahl, Emiyo Rodda, Andy Griffiths, and Paul Jennings. You might even have favourites from these authors from when you were at school. The Premier’s Reading Challenge also lists book recommendations for this age and stage: Book List (

To encourage reading for enjoyment, and building good habits of making time to read, Foundation Phase has registered for the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Whilst purely voluntary, we are encouraging students to make time to read and record 15 books between now and 23 August. 

Lisbeth Goldston
Head of Learning - Foundation Phase


The Responsible Use of Phones at Faith Lutheran College
At Faith Lutheran College, we recognise the integral role smartphones play in our daily lives. While other schools have banned phones, we believe in teaching responsible use, acknowledging their benefits such as easy communication and access to information. However, we must address the potential distractions they can cause in the classroom to maintain an optimal learning environment.

Understanding the Impact
Smartphones can be disruptive during class time if not used responsibly. Notifications, text messages, and social media updates can easily divert students' attention away from lessons, affecting not only individual learning but also the entire class. To ensure that students remain focused and engaged, teachers guide the responsible use of phones by instructing students to have the phones silent and out of sight when not required. If phones are being used in class for a specific purpose, this is under the instruction and with the permission of the teacher. 

Role of Parents
Parents play a crucial role in supporting our efforts to minimise distractions. One way to help is by avoiding texting or calling your children during class hours. We understand urgent matters arise, but we kindly request that non-emergency communication be limited to break times. Urgent messages can be delivered to students via a phone call to Student Services.

Break Times for Communication
Our school schedule includes two breaks during which students can check their phones and respond to messages with a teacher's permission:

First Break: 10.15am to 10.50am
Second Break: 12.40pm to 1pm

We encourage parents to reach out to their children during these designated times to ensure that students can focus on their studies without unnecessary interruptions.

Setting Expectations
To reinforce responsible phone use, teachers and Phase Leaders often discuss these guidelines with students and explain the importance of minimising distractions. We ask for your support in reinforcing these expectations at home. Here are a few tips to help:

  1. Discuss the Policy: Talk to your child about why it's important to keep their phone on silent and out of sight during class.
  2. Set an Example: Model responsible phone use by avoiding unnecessary calls and texts during school hours.
  3. Use Break Times Wisely: Encourage your child to check their phone and respond to messages during the designated break times with the permission of a teacher.
  4. Being aware of their phone usage: Actively monitor and have open discussions about what their phone is being used for and for how long in terms of their usage of social media and other apps. 

By working together, we can create a more focused and productive learning environment for our students. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us teach responsible phone usage, ensuring our classrooms remain places of learning and growth.

Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Heads of Wellbeing for the appropriate phase. Together, we can make a significant difference in our students' educational experience.

James Hallas
Head of Wellbeing - Exploration Phase


Academic progress meetings 
This week, we began our academic progress meetings with Graduate Phase students. These individual meetings focus on discussing each student’s post-school pathways, academic progress, study habits, and any prerequisites for their desired future courses or careers. These valuable discussions provide tailored guidance and support, ensuring that each student is well-prepared for life beyond school. We look forward to continuing these meetings and helping our students achieve their goals.

2025 Senior Jersey and Polo 
We are delighted to share that, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our Senior Jersey Student Committee, the Senior Leadership Team have approved both a Senior Jersey and a Senior Polo shirt for purchase for our 2025 Senior cohort. We were very impressed with how the Student Committee worked collaboratively with a strong student voice to ensure both a jersey and a polo were options to purchase for the 2025 graduating cohort. The committee was also successful with their proposal to personalise their jerseys with a nickname if they choose. The 2025 Senior Jersey and Polo are now available for purchase here: Faith Lutheran College Plainland - Leavers - Dynasty Team Store AU 

Orders must be placed by 14 June – no exceptions!

Pulse Educator Impact: Prioritising Student Wellbeing
In this fast-paced world, we recognise the importance of ensuring our students' mental, social, and physical wellbeing. The school utilises Pulse Educator Impact, a fantastic initiative that encourages students to reflect on their overall wellbeing through 60-second check-ins.

During each check-in, students are asked five randomised evidence-based questions from the ARACY framework, starting with a simple yet crucial question, "How are you feeling today?" These check-ins not only help students gain insight into their own emotions but also allow them to express gratitude to a teacher or peer, fostering positive connections within our school community.

Celebrating Participation: The Pulse Check-In Challenge
To further motivate students to participate in the Pulse Check-In, each fortnight we celebrate the Graduate coach class with the highest number of fortnightly wellbeing and gratitude check-ins. The winning class is rewarded with their choice of a delicious treat, such as hot chips, fruit platter, or chips and lollies. It's fantastic to witness such high engagement as our students embrace this opportunity for self-reflection and emotional wellbeing.

We are proud of the progress and initiatives being undertaken in the Graduate Phase, all of which contribute to a supportive and enriching environment for our students. Whether it's through academic guidance, personalised Senior apparel, or our wellbeing programs, we remain committed to awakening potential and empowering learners for purposeful lives through Christ. Together, we strive to create a community where every student can thrive and achieve their full potential.

Emma Saal and Josh Searchfield
Heads of Wellbeing - Graduate Phase